Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mouse Appeal

This is a pitiful scan from a page in my drawing pad that came about when Jane and I were high on prescription drugs and drunk on two buck chuck. What you see above is a harsh and absurd attack on girls we deem to be MOUSEY. For some goddamn reason we just love to hate on 'em. I'm thinking it's because we feel that these seemingly unrewarding characters keep getting unwarranted attention, that quite frankly we feel we are more deserving of. Due to this fact, mousey girls seem to have a bloated self-confidence, while Jane and I are stuck grappling with our heightened self-awareness leaving us, on occasion, with a crippling case of "the blues." But as you can't really decipher above, it is obvious that we don't quite know what the hell we're talking about. We do know, however, that they have a big ego part in the center of their brain and a fanatical devotion to Wilco.

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