Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Grace Kelly: Not Such a Stiff After All?

Hads and I have a tradition where we envision what celebrities, past or present, young or old, would want to hang with us- conjuring up an ideal party invitation list of actresses like say, Susan Sarandon, Katherine Hepburn, or even Alia Shawkat (Maebe from Arrested Development). We, couldn't picture say, Natalie Portman, swapping filthy jokes or engaging in "dock talk" (see previous post). And thinking of what other actresses may fall into the same category of finding us generally offensive, we figured Grace Kelly was an obvious candidate.

I always thought of as the Mona Lisa of actresses. She always appeared soft-spoken and demure. But, not necessarily because she had nothing to say, rather she preferred to keep you guessing. A new article about Grace Kelly in the New Yorker dispels the notion of her as an aloof, ice-princess and paints a picture of her as a kind of man-eater who had affairs with married men and whose poised self-image belied the sexual power she had over men. As the article states:

"The sex life of Grace Kelly, like the home life of the Incas, is one of those distant but down-to-earth matters which we can investigate in depth, and muse upon at length, but never really hope to understand."

Check out the article in its entirety here:

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